

¡Gratis!Įdita tus videos con millones de clips de música y sonidos gratuitos. ■ Añade tu música favorita o sonidos a tus videos. Millones de creadores están en TikTok demostrando sus increíbles talentos e historias. ■ Diviértete e inspírate por una comunidad global de creadores ¡Una experiencia diseñada específicamente para ti basada en el contenido que te gusta ver, darle like y compartir! Aprenderemos de tus hábitos para ofrecerte los videos más relevantes, interesantes e inspiradores según tus gustos. ■ Descubre millones de videos seleccionados especialmente para ti Crea y edita videos al instante usando filtros especiales, stickers divertidos y mucho más. Con esta app podrás descubrir, crear y editar videos increíbles, y compartirlos fácilmente con tus amigos y el mundo entero. TikTok es una comunidad global de videos cortos. This app features a wide variety of lenses that you can use on your videos. There are dozens of different filters to play with in TikTok Lite. As a result, the Speed function can be used to speed up or slow down a video. Speed adjustment features on the video allow you to easily create professional slow-motion videos.

tiktoklite tiktoklite

This makes it easy to start professional music videos or song covers like a pro.


As an added bonus, the Lite version of TikTok includes syncronized features and effects such as melodies. I don’t want to focus on the fact that this music store has a wide library instead, I want to discuss what I actually care about. This makes it easy for users to find songs appropriate for their needs. Different categories in the store include trending pop, hip-hop, new songs and more. When creating videos with background music, Sounds allows users to pick from a wide music store. As a professional video editor, the app lets users access popular editing features like Sounds and the Media Library. In the media app TikTok Lite, users can add filters, music and other effects like speed to their videos. It's wise to edit any content you want to share before releasing it to the public.
